Dudley and Kiniya Archives
Preserving our rich history and traditions for future generations to enjoy is a labor of love. Through the years, various volunteer archivists and historians have worked to support the preservation of documents, photographs, objects and stories of our Camps. And the process continues. Today, with the assistance of ever expanding technology, we begin the process of making our history more available. Please enjoy the documents and videos on the following pages. We will add materials as they are digitized and preserved so check back from time to time. Those wishing to support our preservation efforts are encouraged to make a gift to the Annual Fund.
The Last Whistle
1938 – present
The Last Whistle has served as Camp Dudley’s yearbook since 1938. Traditionally, The Last Whistle’s first page contains the text “Published once each year for the campers, leaders, and staff of Camp Dudley” signifying its tremendous impact on highlighting the given summer through pictures and words. The dedication of The Last Whistle is one of the highest awards given out during the Camp summer.
The Other Fellow First Magazine
1937 – present
A Dudley Kiniya Alumni Association (formerly the CDA) publication that was started in 1937. Over its many years of being published, it has had many names, the most recent of which was The CDA News before taking on its current name. Published twice a year, The Other Fellow First Magazine documents a wide array of articles, news and notes from the Dudley & Kiniya Alumni Communities. If you would like to write an article, send in a picture or submit a few news and notes, please contact Brendan Loughman at brendan@campdudley.org.
The Spirit
2007 – present
The Spirit has served as Camp Kiniya’s yearbook since 2007. Each summer it includes cabin photos, staff pictures, and weekly picture highlights from our 8 weeks together. The dedication of The Spirit is one of the highest awards given out at our end of season awards ceremony. Typically The Spirit lands in homes around the new year and is a great opportunity for campers to reminisce and start thinking about the upcoming summer!
Camp Dudley History
Camp Dudley Storyboard History
Camp Dudley Postcard History
Camping on Lake Champlain
Camp Kiniya History
Camp Kiniya 1919-1939
Kiniya Van Buren Founding Years
The Greatest Kiniya Treasure Article
Camp Kiniya Articles from CD News 2006-2018
Camp Kiniya Archive Spotlight – Fall 2023